Friday 19 September 2014

A new record

We are not even through September and yet we have beaten some of our records already. It has been extremely busy period for all of the TBR departments and it is definitely paying off. We were thrilled that TBR Scotland managed more jobs in one day than has never been achieved before. On top of that our corporate team had their busiest week ever too. Well done team TBR!

It has not been all work and no play as we got to attend the Inspiring City Awards 2014 in the Radisson Blu in Glasgow. Our managing Director Craig chambers was nominated for the award of “Outstanding Contribution by a young business leader”. Unfortunately he did not win but a great night was had by the team who went. Pictures from the awards night can been seen on our Facebook page, so go have a look and see how we scrub up for a black tie event.

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