TBR has managed various events; from small local events to high profile global events. A very strong and reputable Events team at TBR are always prepared for large corporate events such as the Music Awards, Corporate & Medical Conferences as well as a provider to Corporate Sporting Sponsors.
Major Events need major planning:
TBR’s specialist team need to be well prepared for an event from the outset and begin organising many months in advance; depending on the size, scale, importance and location. Major sporting events sponsorships need an average of 10 months for the various levels of preparation.
TBR want to ensure they are fully equipped and deliver a consistent high quality of service to the client; the only way to ensure this is major preparation, training and selection of suppliers and drivers.
A major event requires a full scale planning process which can take up to a year before the event with various aspects to be coordinated:
TBR’s specialist team need to be well prepared for an event from the outset and begin organising many months in advance; depending on the size, scale, importance and location. Major sporting events sponsorships need an average of 10 months for the various levels of preparation.
TBR want to ensure they are fully equipped and deliver a consistent high quality of service to the client; the only way to ensure this is major preparation, training and selection of suppliers and drivers.
A major event requires a full scale planning process which can take up to a year before the event with various aspects to be coordinated:
- Affiliate manager has a lot of involvement in the preparation for the major event.
- Dealing with the suppliers in the city of the event. Getting the driver packs ready for the suppliers to ensure they have their drivers highly trained to TBR standards.
- After a month of preparation, the Affiliate Manager will do a site visit to the city of the major event; with the priority being to visit the supplier.
- The supplier will be checked and the drivers will be evaluated; in terms of quality, pricing, training and overall standards. All which should match or exceed TBR.
- Until the event is live, the supplier will be tested periodically with our existing clients’ general transfers.
All of this preparation occurs even before the events team at TBR know if the job has been secured. Therefore all this preparation is in anticipation as TBR maintains the value of being Proactive not Reactive!
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