Thursday 20 November 2014

TBR Global HR Interview

Susan Knox our HR manager has been part of the TBR team for over three years now and has over ten years’ experience in human resources.  With the TBR Global team growing at such a rapid rate we wanted to catch up with Susan and find out what she looks for in new employees.   

Thanks Susan for giving up some of your time, we know how busy you are so we are going to ask you just five questions.  It’s now our turn to interview you.

1)      With you receiving so many different applications everyday what makes a CV stand out on your desk?

A structured CV for me is always a good sign. It also stands out to me if an individual has tailored their application for the position they have applied for, rather than sending a generic CV with irrelevant information.

A strong personal statement will stand out but remember to be succinct with this.

2)      Do you have to have past experience in the industry to work for TBR?

Personally before joining TBR Global Ltd I had no experience of working within the transport industry.  Depending on the role we are recruiting industry experience is not always essential, as long as you have drive, ambition and are willing to learn you can be successful at TBR Global.

3)      How much research do you expect someone to do on TBR before their interview?

I would expect someone to have taken the time to look through the company website to gain an understanding of what TBR Global specialise in.

The tips I would give as are follows;
·         Company History
·         Find out what we do
·         Why we do it
·         Our culture and environment (core values)
·         Current Events/ Clients

Remember learning about the company is also a great way to tailor your interview as you can give examples of areas where your experience could be useful.

4)      At the end of an interview when you ask “Do you have any questions”, what do you like to hear?

I think it’s always good when an individual asks about training and where their role would fit in with the overall company goals.  I like it when people are keen to learn about the culture and want to understand more about the working environment.

5)      Any other tips for people wanting to work for TBR Global?

Some of the key strengths we look for would be as follows;

       ·         Outstanding attention to detail
       ·         Hard working
       ·         Team Player
       ·         Focused
       ·         Excellent communication
       ·         Good IT skills
      TBR are obsessed with quality and we want all staff to be trained to become industry experts allowing for the production of top quality work.

Thanks for your time Susan!

I'm sure Susan has some horror/funny interview stories to tell us but we will leave that till another blog.  

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